Ministry Page

Welcome to the Ministry Page of Bethel Assembly of God! We believe that each ministry plays a vital role in fulfilling our mission to spread the love and message of Jesus Christ to our community and beyond. Below are the ministries we offer:

1. Worship/Music Ministry:

The Worship/Music Ministry is responsible for leading the congregation in worship during our services. This ministry is responsible for choosing and leading songs, creating an atmosphere of worship, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly during the service.


2.Women's Ministry (WM):

Our Women's Ministry meets every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7 pm. We provide a safe space for women to grow in their relationship with God, connect with each other, and serve our community.


3.Men's Ministry:

The Men's Ministry is focused on providing a space for men to grow in their relationship with God and connect with other men. We offer regular meetings and events designed to encourage and challenge men.


4.Outreach Ministry:

Our Outreach Ministry is focused on reaching out to our community and sharing the love of Christ in practical ways. We organize events, provide support for those in need, and partner with local organizations to make a positive impact. Our feeding program serves approximately 250 students monthly, and we also provide food outreach to 50 persons in the community monthly. We also have a mentorship program at the Glendevon Primary and Infant School, which serves 16 students monthly.


5.Evangelism/Missions Ministry:

The Evangelism Ministry is focused on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community and beyond. We organize prayer walks, distribute tracts, hold street meetings, and make house visits in the community monthly.


6.Prayer Ministry:

The Prayer Ministry is focused on praying for the needs of our congregation, community, and world. We have a weekly prayer and fasting every 1st week of the month, and we also have a prayer meeting every Saturday morning at 6 am in the sanctuary.


7.Usher/Altar Worker Ministry:

The Usher/Altar Worker Ministry is responsible for ushering people in the house of God and our the facility.


8.Pastoral Care Ministry:

The Pastoral Care Ministry is focused on providing ministry to the pastoral team and their families. This ministry offers support, encouragement, and prayer to our pastors and their families.


9.Sunday School/Children's Ministry:

Our Sunday School is held every Sunday at 10 am, and Children's Church is held every 2nd and 4th Sunday during divine worship. Our Children's Ministry provides a safe and fun environment for children to learn about God and grow in their faith.


10.Youth Ministry (CA'S):

The Youth Ministry is focused on providing a space for teenagers to connect with each other and grow in their relationship with God. We meet every Friday at 7 pm.


11.Family Life Ministry:

The Family Life Ministry is focused on providing support and guidance to families in our community. We offer grief counseling and family counseling services to those in need. Every June, we celebrate Family Month with special events and activities designed to strengthen family relationships and promote family values. We believe that strong families are the foundation of a strong community, and we are committed to supporting and empowering families in our community.

We believe that every member of our community has unique gifts and talents that can be used to serve God and make a difference in the world. If you are interested in any of our ministries, please contact us for more information on how to get involved. We look forward to serving with you!